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Quinborne 80th Celebration - A Big Thank You
(July 13, 2018)Quinborne would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who attend our 80th Birthday Celebrations.
The day was a great success which was helped by the fantastic weather and brilliant atmosphere that was generated by everyone who attended.
The event was officially opened by the current Lord Mayor, however the Lord Mayor wasn’t the only dignitary we had onsite during the day, we also had visits from Preet Gill M.P, and Councillor Kate Booth, we would like to thank them all for their support.
Also, on-site during the day was Mo Safer from Animals In Hands who brought a great collection reptiles and owls with him, On The Edge who supplied live music and Gail from Squiggles who created some fantastic balloon sculptures, she even managed to paint some faces.
We were also very well supported by local companies and groups, all of all gave up their time for free to come along and support us on the day.
These included, Coventry Building Society, Flush Fittings, St Faith & St Lawrence Church, Dom at the Gritty Theatre, Recorded Music, Emma from Adult Education and Harborne Gym.
A final big thank you must go out to all the Directors and Staff that helped on the day and leading up to the event. Events like this do not come together over night and without their help it wouldn’t have happened. I am not going to name check them all here but you all know who you :-)